Simply a Blessing…

What can I say ? Where should I begin? 

I am sitting here with KAT who is laying on my feet…We are waiting on the Stork to arrive. What a fine good dog she is…and we are sitting within inches of where she came into this world. waiting on her sweet puppies.

I have to say that KAT truly picked me when she was about 12 hours old.At the time what she did seemed odd and I did not realize what she was doing. 

Every time I came into the puppy area she would lift her noise and sniff the air. At 4 days I understood she was smelling me but yet had the pleasure of knowing exactly what she was doing.  She would crawl towards me…and when her eyes were open I knew.  She chose me or maybe she was sent to me?!  No matter she is mine and I am hers! 

As I reflect on the happenings of this week…I am sore, have some pain…but in all this has been a “real deal” week …

Sunday we had simply amazing preaching at our little country church called Tabernacle.   Preacher Bob delivered a fine message of hope and direction for our current world situation.

Monday we worked on the farm cutting wood and taking care of our animals.

Tuesday was the evening of the young ewes difficult delivery and loss of lambs. 

Wednesday I took Journey into vet for an OFA hips, elbows and patellas (all look great)  and as I was leaving the vets office we had to go around some dog poo left by someone at the door…Well as we stepped out onto the pavement I got tangled up with Journey and did a shoulder dive into the asphalt! Road rash on my knee (yes I was in shorts) LOL!  and I hurt my hand and ended up hitting my cheek bone… I scrambled up looking both ways and thankful no one saw… I was embarrassed hurt and well shocked! Thanking The Good Lord Above for no broke bones… and thinking what in the world was that all about! 

Thursday morning about 8:30 AM the Stork landed with a nice big ewe lamb. Then as I was taking a closer look I heard something sounded like a kitten and far away …One of the Barbados had a lamb!!!! What on earth!?!  As I watched the Barb ewe lay there and refuse that strong tiny lamb even tiny for a Barb…I saw her walk away with no thought to her lamb! I picked it up and hoping just delivered the big ewe lamb  and had plenty of milk…would take the very loud little lamb. She was nice to it but not willing and I did not want to loose the nice big lamb Decided to bring it into the house and let Drover “mother it up” and I would feed it . Drover was doing and amazing job! But the lamb would not take the bottle.

Back to the field and another ewe that had lambed took the orphaned lamb…The Barb had sauntered off to the spa I suppose and left me with her precious lamb! 

The end to an exciting time on the farm!