
Well I have puppy homes that are wanting to know, friends, and I want to know! 🙂

KAT’s tummy is for sure expanding. She is hungry like all the time. Sweet to me and not so to my other three. 

Her tummy is like a small mellon and expanding daily. She is not miserable, yet… but uncomfortable. Loves tummy rubs and the outside if with me… otherwise basement!!!

Theresa has called me many times she is an awesome breeder, for updates on KAT.  Theresa has also taken time from her demanding schedule and given me good advice about things to watch, to feed, weight, and what to look out for, and many other things. I could not ask for a more knowledgeable, caring, helpful breeder. 

One morning early, Les and I were in the living room talking … KAT had been in season for a few days. When the phone rang . It was Theresa calling wanting to know if I had puppies. I said no but KAT was in season. She said well you are going to breed her to one of my dogs. Yes we are!  The timing was surprising and perfect. I had been lamenting my lack of suitable suitors for my KAT to Les just before that call! It was the Good Lord Above’s fine hand at work…

I want to thank Theresa and David  Kaschak for all their help in choosing and breeding KAT Ballou to their fine tri male YAPPEE.  Theresa is a treasure chest filled full with advice, knowledge, and common sense! I am so honored to be allowed to breed my KAT to their dog and it is a dream of 14 years come true… I have admired their dogs and breeding program from the first time I saw their dogs.  

I chose Yappee by his pedigree for KAT and as my Grandpa use to tell me…”Blood tells”  When Lawana and I arrived at David and Theresa’s beautiful farm and I met YAPPEE …I was happy to have followed my Grandpa’s breeding wisdom. 

YAPPEE is an outside dog (like KAT is)  and tends towards a heavier coat. But it is Great Lakes weather in the winter there! YAPPEE is sweet and kind eyed. He is a tri color (black tan white).  YAPPEE has lived on The Kaschack’s family dairy farm all his life. 

Soon I will have photos and more to tell about this amazing cross. 

Here is a link to his photos and a litter he sired in 2017 scroll down for his photos…


Below is KAT on her honeymoon at Lake Erie taking a cool dip in the beautiful waters.



    • Kris Hazelbaker on August 21, 2020 at 11:00 am

    Nice cross — Can’t wait to see the puppies!

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