Lamb Buying…

Thru my herding work I meet the most interesting and lovely people!

About a year or so ago I met a lady with a dog that she was wanting to herd sheep with. She has a flock of lovely Katahdins.

Our friendship grew and this spring she had some very nice lambs to sell. We purchased 16 total.

I purchased sight unseen, I knew she knew what I looked for and that I was buying her best lambs.

My friend Shona agreed to pick up the lambs for me, and Judy invited us to lunch at her beautiful home. So off on a Wednesday we went! 

Wow! Judy’s home is intriguing, as it is beautiful! And so full of Judy. Everything is special!

Can I just say how good God is for bringing Judy into my life! 

I cannot say when I have enjoyed lunch more! We were served things I can’t spell (LOL not taters). Oh and it was all very delicious! 

We were served buffet style and enjoyed our lunch at an elegant dining table sat beautifully. We talked and had fun enjoying our meal and I wished the lunch would not end! 

I looked around at Shona and Judy and realized how God is working in my life bringing people I would never have met in my former work!

I guess all that time I spent as a child in the dog house with the puppies because there were no nearby children to play with…was a blessing…yes I already knew …but wow…not really! 

We finally loaded up the sheep and reluctantly headed home with sheep! Was that why I came? 

Sheep are all fine and nice as I knew they would be!