Category: Herding

KAT Ballou…

KAT worked great today! I am very pleased with this girl! She is young 27 months…Starting to mature (mind wise) finally! Some days (like today) she was ready, willing and working! Other days I think “where is her mind!” and I want to “help” her find it! LOL!  But I have to keep in mind …

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Simple Country Pleasures…

Taking the sheep to graze across the pond to the far field…Drover driving them with KAT helping, the puppy tied to my belt loop, and BOO covering the rear…We moved along nice, easy, and once thru the gate…the sheep started down the hill towards the bottom. About that time the puppy broke my belt loop …

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A New Lamb!

We had a very exciting time here at the farm Saturday afternoon! Les noticed several days ago that one of the young ewes (1/2 Katahdin and 1//2 Dorper) was making a bag. That meant a lamb was on its way soon! So I had kept a watch on her… Sure enough Saturday afternoon I saw …

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Beautiful Day!

What wonderful weather! High 70’s light breeze some clouds and mostly sun shinny!  Wow! We worked sheep today. I am betting the sheep pray nightly for cold winter weather;-) Gerry and I worked 5 dogs. Elvis was working on away and come bye and fetching. Doing a fine job! Cher the young Corgi pup was …

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Sheep Work…

Kay Drover

Taking care of sheep is not a big job. At least not my Katahdin Flock. We give annual shots for tetanus. Feet need trimming and caring for maybe 6 times a year. Sometimes a lamb will not shed the first coat and has to be trimmed. I check often during warm weather for parasites. We …

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A Day At Maple Grove Farm…

Our day began at 4:00 AM ! With Ms BOO barking at something in the driveway. It was a bark of “I am going to get you and you best be running!” I have never heard this bark before. Anyone that has lived with their dog for any length of time understands what I am …

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Simple Country Pleasures…

As daylight arrived at Maple Grove Farm… the ewes and their lambs were facing the rising sun. They looked like camels on the desert with their necks up and their faces full chewing their cud. Serene and peaceful. In the back ground was Dutchmens Mountain…As I watched the sun come up…I noticed the heavy frost …

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Simple Country Pleasures…Gone to the Puppies!

This afternoon was exceptionally nice. Temperatures in the low 60’s. No breeze. Sunshine. The birds chattering about the beautiful weather. The sheep bells softly tinkling. The ewes talking to their lambs… The puppies and I were out on the gator picking up leaves for their pen. The puppies ride on the back of the gator …

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Simple Country…pleasures

Old dogs…are a pleasure to be round. Loving them, taking walks, hanging out, and rolling round on the ground with them, in the Fall sunshine on a cool crisp Sunday afternoon. While we tend the sheep as they free range bits of green grass here and there. The birds providing the music… singing for our …

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Drover’s Stock Dog Journal…

Well another Sheep Foot Bath Party Today! This one went much better for ALL of us! We set up a new “L” chute made out of Pallets! Put the foot bath pans after the turn in the L chute and had we had a head gate. (will work on that more) We need to add …

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