Category: English Shepherds

Simple Country Discomforts!

Poison Oak!!! Ever had a case of it? It itches bad! Les and I are enduring it! It is spreading instead of retreating!  I have no idea where or how we are still exposing ourselves to it! I am all most ready to go for the shot! It amazes me how much a small place …

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To think about what happened yesterday… Several times I have pinched myself to make sure I am really alive… Had my foot not mashed that gas peddle to the floor I would not be here today… Did I do that on my own? No way… It was all God… Drover is doing fine…I am too… …

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Drover and I are Fine! but for the protection of God…

I would not be here tonight… Les and I burn wood. We cut our own wood on the farm. We have been cutting some partially dead trees around the fields. They have been difficult to get to and made the chainsaw work particularly mean… A couple of times the saw has become stuck and foolishly …

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Leaving The Sheep Out Tonight…

I hope I do not regret this! But I have left the sheep in the yard for the night.  They have the option to go back in the field but the green grass is in my yard! It is cold but no falling weather…I did loose 2 lambs yesterday to the cold wet rain and …

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My Sweet Abilene…

Abilene lamb

The weather yesterday was 73 degrees! Today it was in the 30’s with a cold heavy rain that fell most of the day.. and wind that was round 10 miles an hour…This is the kind of weather that will kill lambs! The lambs can stand the cold by itself,  the wet rain alone,  or just …

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Cutting Wood!

All the dogs and Les and I went to the field and cut wood today! The dogs had a great time . Les worked hard and is tired tonight… Hopefully we will be able to cut more wood tomorrow. The puppy is learning to walk on leash, be tied, sit at gates and wait, stay …

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My Puppy (herding)

During the Larry Painter Sheep Camp I had a short lesson with Larry and my puppy. I liked what I saw! She was looking for the heads! And very willing to get round and go between the sheep and the fence even when it was tight! She is fearless! And smart!

This Time of Year…


We have our coldest, roughest weather in February usually…this February has been true to what is normal…We have had teens and single numbers for temps…High winds…the neighbors new barn is on the ground posts snapped off like a stick! (made me sick to see that) trees down…snow, sleet and freezing rain… Cold and wet and …

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Beautiful Day…the life of English Shepherds on A Farm….

We worked cutting wood Les and I cut a cord of fire wood! Yes, we are tired. But what a beautiful day! The sky was Carolina Blue and the temps in the 50’s! A light breeze. Perfect for cutting wood. I cannot tell you how much I have enjoyed my dogs today! (I do everyday!) …

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My Amazing Puppy…


As many of you know I have a puppy from the Abilene Drover litter. (the pup with no name)  yet! My girl is amazing to watch! She is 11 weeks old… She sits daily for an hour or more just watching the sheep and lambs. She does not bother them just watches… Daily she goes …

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