Category: English Shepherds

Journey’s Stockdog Journal…


Part of the Maple Grove Farm Flock   Journey is a Drover/ BOO son. He is quite the character….Everyone loves him and he can” put on the dog” as my Grandpa use to say… He has a way with everyone young and old alike …Loving, friendly, happy… with me serious and wants to work sheep… …

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Simple Country Pleasures…


Home made Biscuits hot with melted butter and they are pretty too! (compliments Lawana Manning) Fried Chicken homemade  (Lawana Manning) A lone beautiful still fruitful Pear Tree on a cold wintery day (Buffalo Creek Dairy)  A warm homemade Creme Cheese Pound Cake for a church supper …made by me…my friend’s special recipe (Jane Borders) A …

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The Stork…

Christmas Pups 2016

As I sit here waiting for Cheyenne to have her puppies…I remember when Cheyenne was born at Maple Grove Farm…She sure has grown up good! A happy, healthy, loving, biddable, beautiful, hard working dairy farm dog!  She is so lucky to have Lawana and Stacey as her people, and to live on their beautiful farm.  …

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Peace…and Adventure!

We had the most enjoyable Valentines Day!  Les and I visited our good friends in New Bern yesterday!  We left home at 9:15 AM and returned at 11:15 PM Okay I admit it! It was difficult for me to leave and be gone that long away from the farm…This happens to you when you have …

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Simple Country Pleasures…


Just A List … watching the lambs with their mothers  watching the Lamb Races taking the sheep to pasture bringing the sheep in from pasture in the evening just being alive and enjoying all God has given us watching my dogs have fun working sheep being tired sleeping Carolina Blue Skies living my dreams watching …

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Drover is an amazing Sheep Dog!  Still at 10 years and 4 months going strong.  He is  the finder of sheep… and my go to  dog to bring them in.  My other dogs are equally amazing but after all the late night work Drover and I have done together it is Drover I trust for …

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The Heart of a Shepherd…(Drover)

  As the sun sets on this wet, damp, grey, cloudy day. It has been amazingly warm . The rain has been in showers light and off and on… I sit here in the window of our living room and watch the fog roll into the low places along the branch and off in the …

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My Heart Is Broken…

Simply my KAT will not be having puppies this time. Thru no fault of hers or mine…The puppies are simply gone! Not in her…a miscarriage…she does have milk and is still nesting…The Vet says she is fine and lost the puppies about 2 to 3 weeks ago… She is fine internally everything looked correct and …

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The Lamb Project…


All I can say is I learn something everyday I am around my flock…sometimes it is how to take care of them “like today”  or about The Good Shepherd… Today was a calling for and on The Good Shepherd.  Five Months Ago I started out by flushing my ewes on good green grass and lots …

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Fire Ants in January !!! The Lamb Stork had a hard landing this evening…

I arrived home from town and it was all most dark…I walked with KAT across the dam because it was to wet to drive the gator on. Journey was left in a  down at the gate…  All but 2 sheep were at the gate…they know when it is time to come up for the night. …

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