We Go Thru Life…

Looking at other people  and their lives. From the other side of the fence where the grass is not so green…

Or so it seems…to us…

We look at what seems to us.. a charmed life…Everything… that we think we would be happy with if only we had that life…Children, Spouse, Family, Friends, a Good living, Good Job, Nice cars, health,  beautiful homes, money to spend as we want and no needs, the apple of a parents eye… The list goes on…

But yet…for some reason there is “something” that is lacking…

We go thru our lives …and think that someone else has it all…

And yet…

For reasons not seen to the outside world… not seen by those close… not by a parent, spouse, sibling or child…It is not enough…

What is “it”?

A sadness? A lack of some kind… A chemical imbalance …A need…

For what ever the reason…

There is a pain so deep and so difficult that this person finds it impossible to continue living…

What is “it” that no one can see or understand?

Then there is the  pain and suffering this causes a family …the guilt the questions…the what if I had?

There are no words… for the pain of the individual that chose to not to continue to live…For the sheer raw pain of the loved ones left behind…

IF it was premeditated, or planned , or a statement of some sort…a message of some kind…a heat of the moment bad choice…That forever changes alters so many lives…

The family is left to deal with the loss and the whys and to find the faith to go on…

As I watched the photos from David’s life…

My soul screamed …None of this makes any sense…there is no reason…Why?

But I know….I know with all my being…”Faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen”  and I cling to this  with all my being…

We see now thru a glass dimly but one day we will see and understand all things… clearly…

Love your family , hold them close, pay attention, tell them and more importantly show them your love..Speak good things to your family…Do not withhold No good thing .

As we travel our life journey be kind and good to all the folk that cross our path…

What a sad day tomorrow will be…sigh… We will lay my first cousin 53 years old… David Allen Delk to rest at Piney Grove UMC…Please keep all of my family in your prayers…This will the most second difficult day of my life…And for some of my family it will be their most difficult…





    • Joanne on September 4, 2015 at 7:03 am

    I found your website while doing a Google search for English Shepherds, then started reading some of your blog posts.

    I lost a friend to suicide, someone dear to me. It is a hard way to lose someone you love. Your words expressed it very well.

    I am so sorry for your loss.


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