Category: English Shepherds

Thursday’s Return!!!

This afternoon Drover and BOO went to the sheep pens with me along with my brother Kenneth and my nephew Jay. I drove my pick up down and we loaded the sheep carrier on the back of the truck. It is basically a wire crate that fills the bed of the truck. Drover and I …

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This is one of my favorite photos of Skye…He is such a good English Shepherd! Loves children and is a wonderful farm dog…And Quite handsome as well!  We are very happy that BOO was bred to him on 1-26-13!!!!!! We are expecting Puppies we hope on April 1st!!!!

Drover (gathering the sheep… just after sunset)…


Timber has been very busy working on her “project”… It is the latest and what all Puppies her age are “doing” these days! North Carolina to California, Canada to Florida… This is the rage!

What Do You Call???

Today Drover and I had to round up our “Rogue Sheep Flock” …. After fixing the Blue Gate (their means of escape) I left the sheep out for a while. But needed to go see my Mother in the Rehab center…I knew I might be late arriving home. So we walked down to the field …

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Plotting Their Escape!!!

Les and I went to breakfast in Denton this morning and the sheep were seemingly eating on that large round bale of hay that we put in for them yesterday. But as I have noted before (sheep are never content with what they have) No matter how good it is…. (remind you all of any …

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Snow, Hay, Sheep , Today!!!

I took some photos today of what was left of the snow … Of hungry sheep… Happy Dogs.. And Les!!!

Rogue Sheep!!!

Of course I would have the sheep with wander lust! What they have at home to eat is never green enough, lush enough or just sweet enough! My little flock of Katahdins roam the farm (when allowed) all most every day. For forage and they are happy doing this. But one thing about sheep I …

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Another Evening at Maple Grove Farm…

It started out a cold grey wet day with a fine rain falling. All day I noticed the fog …It covered the mountains in the distance totally like ancient volcanoes. Then I would look and they would be visible, my landmarks again! At lunch the rain stopped long enough for the dogs and I to …

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Rainy Day…

It was a very warm day today! Like spring time! We had showers of rain off and on all day. I visited Momma in the hospital…she is improving I hope. Drover went to town with me. He thinks when I crank my truck  he has to be in it! I worked on taxes. Timber is …

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