Category: My Country treasures

Why Am I So Drawn to Ghosts and Memories?

As I walk along this beautiful fall day full of life, beauty, the sounds of God’s creation….Sheep bells, horses gently neighing to each other, the soft breeze in the dried leaves that fall softly and happily to the ground…the birds singing…my ducks and Bruce the Goose ….I think farm life… is the best!  But I …

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I keep thinking…

that I will post often for there is so much going on and that is the reason…I fall asleep or am just too tired… I am sitting here in the quiet of the night…when there is not much noise…a tinkle of a sheep bell off in the distance…the few creatures that speak in the night …

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Walking Among Memories

When I was a wee girl my Grandpa Delk told me stories of his youth. (he was born in 1915)…he must have been 45 when I first remember his stories… Seems back then there were preachers that came round and held what was called “Big Meetings” they would build a brush arbor and have the …

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Peace…like 23 lambs having fun

This evening…KAT, Journey, Tallie and I went down into the big field in front of our home to watch the lamb races. We were not disappointed!  It was more like “Lamb Shenanigans ” …they ran, laid down, played in the terrace, leaped straight up, caused their Mothers to call them and yet continued with their …

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3 AM…so you want to raise sheep?

Here it is 3 AM Sunday morning (Palm Sunday) I am blogging…waiting on lambs!  I had set my alarm for 2 AM and slept thru that alarm (tired from last night’s adventure. ) but my conscience could not allow me to sleep!  So up and out to the quietness of the night…a few bells but …

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Country Music…

I was listening to the birds this evening just before dark…to the frogs…the crickets chirping…the sheep bells tingling softly in the sweet warm night air…a dog in the distance barking…every once in a while a stronger wind blows…I can hear the cows in the distance mooing, and the sheep calling to each other good night…SIGH… …

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The Grandma’s…the girls…

So we have 2 old ewes they are around 13 years…They are the only 2 …I have remaining of my original flock… They have been good producers and with little trouble. I have several of their offspring still…  this past week we have experienced unusually cold weather…Les and I decided they should go in the …

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The Why…

Allie and I took a trail ride down by my Great Grandma Nance’s place… a few days ago.  Sigh…the old home is gone…It stood for 100 years and a few… I always wondered WHY that spot was chosen by my Great Grandpa  Nance… I saw it for the first time since the old home was …

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Some “Down Time”…(the good kind)…My Jackson Creek…

So in the face in the upcoming three weeks events here at the farm I knew I  had to have some “Down Time” …or I knew I would not make it thru all the coming work here at the farm.  We have the Cardigan Supported AKC Herding Trial the 24 th and 25 th of …

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Well Drover sired a litter of 8 with Helen Glaze’s good female Frea  and  Helen has 4 male puppies ready for their new families! They are located in Gulfport, Mississippi  KAT 3 days latter had a litter of 10 puppies and we have 2 males that are ready to go to their new homes! Yadkin …

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